Friday, January 21, 2011

12,000 hits and counting!

Congratulations to me and thanks to all of you for visiting my blog. My Father informed me that he was the prestigous 12,000th visitor to the blog earlier today and wanted to know what he won. So here it is Dad, a free lifetime subscribtion to the Generals Wrestling Blog! Way to go!

Seriously, though, the blog has come a long way, and with the count we've gone over 10,000 hits in the last month alone, which means it's working. I look forward to providing you with more in depth coverage and good news throughout my stay at Washington and Lee.

In other more important news, I mentioned that Junior David Dennis was only 2 pins away from the Single-Season record, but what I didn't realize until about 30 minutes ago, was that he is now already 3rd all-time with 22, just 6 shy of the career record. I believe both will fall, potentially by the end of the year. David is wrestling at a very high level right now, and looks to take down (pun intended) the defending NCAA D3 Champion Vinnie Renaut from USMMA tomorrow.

Thanks again for visiting, and keep coming back!

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